The Sun Rises Every Day (2024)

I had an opportunity to stay in Nida, Lithuania, for 2 weeks due to a summer school called ‘Small Realities,’ as a part of Khm participants. Other than Khm, there were 5 different schools from Finland, Norway, Germany, and Lithuania, and we all gathered in Nida Art Colony, Vilnius Academy of Arts. 
During this time, I made a zine about some insights I gathered during a morning walk to see the sunrise. I focused on the feeling that ‘I have to do something in this limited time, but eventually what really matters or what is left.’
Having all the buildups (plans, ideas) for what I could do and breaking them all at once. And taking a thorough look at what remains after (beyond) that. 

There are 10 editions; they were printed in the office at the same building where we stayed. The office only opened for a limited time a day and is only usable when there’s a person working. So I had to seek chances to make this work. 

*One edition, I gave it to Julita, who I met during this school; she helped me to communicate with the people in the hospital in Klaipeda. 
5 editions go to people who I went to Nida with from Khm. Karin, Shu, Amelie, Dudu, Theo, and Jeo. 
Another edition; I kept it on exMedia Lab’s bookshelf. 

And this is what I wrote about the zine during the program.